Bianca Woods explained that “A PLN is simply an informal group of people who you learn things from regularly. And if you’re doing it right, they learn things from you too.” Because it is an informal setting it is easier to start a conversation on a topic you are passionate about. For example, I have used my Instagram platform to spread awareness of protest that is happening around the world like the black lives matter movement, and the farmer protests in India. I used my platform to share information about the movement/protest, like why it is happening, the facts and stats not my opinion to help educate people on the topic. Bianca woods also explained “These conversations are important because they’re another way to trigger insights from others”  I feel that I have triggered conversation through my social media with my PLN by sharing a post that I have come across that can be helpful or useful for others explain sharing other people profile that are posting about interesting facts or inspirational stories. For example, I have shared posts about equality and diversity, sharing other strong role models’ stories that are not known celebrities. For the future goals for my PLN, I can become more engaged within my profile by asking questions rather than just sharing posts and information.


Woods, Bianca. “Building your own PLN: seeking new insights and ideas? Expand your personal learning network.” T+D, vol. 67, no. 11, Nov. 2013, p. 70+. Gale OneFile: Accessed 18 Feb. 2021.