How does a PLN give power to messaging for an individual or community?

Using PLN is a great way to share their ideas and thoughts. With a strong PLN, it can take it even further. Sharing the message, reaching out to others, creating a relationship, changing the story. As Brad Baker said that using social media give people control of their story and their message. It brings a better understanding of what people want to share. PLN can start a change; sharing your story and starting a petition could get a few 100 or 1000 signatures in person, but online, you get hundreds of thousands of signatures. Another example would be that social media does not let people forget the past; it continues to share people’s wrong stories so their stories do not get lost. PLN can change individual lives; I have seen so many people start a small business that would not be successful without using social media, sharing their products and the reason why they started their story. By doing this, they can craft their message to reach their audience; they can also make videos of packing the product to show the amount of love they put into it.

Education occurs in so many environments beyond the classroom; how does social media help expand education and associated needed communications?

As said in the video, the winner writes the history books; we do not learn the true story that happens in class as it is taught from the books that were voiced of the ones who won. You do not get to see the other side, hear their stories, see their emotions of what happened. Similar, as Brad baker, explained the mainstream media tell us what THEY WANT US TO KNOW. They control the story being told, what details are told what is not to make the message they want us to hear. Social media stop this; it continues the story. It gives a platform for the voices that never had the opportunity to share their story. It gives people the ability to use their voice and speak out of their own story, allow others to learn from it, gain understanding, and make a change. Not only that social media makes it easy to learn, but it is also free and accessible to anyone, anywhere at any time. I have learnt more about stocks, baking, taxes (basic things we should know) through social media, not in a classroom. I have heard 100s of people’s stories of what they went through, their resilience, history, and lessons they learnt through social media, not through a textbook. Not saying the school isn’t a learning experience; I can educate myself on specific topics such as math and science through the classroom, which is necessary, but when I struggle, I go to social media for help, youtube video, and online lessons to explain the issue.

Community communications go beyond blogs and social media shares; how does a PLN help and hinder the development of thoughts and ideas in education discourse?

Our PLN is who is in our network. This can be online or in-person for students. A huge part of our PLN is in-person our teacher, professor, guest speakers, our parents and our peers that we are surrounded by. And there was a point Brand Baker said that I think spoke to this; there are three pathways that must work together to learn the truth of Canada history of the indigenous community, and the three paths are our educators, students and parents they all just want to learn and to seek more resources, learning opportunity, to be open-minded and listen to another perspective. With this type of education, an open environment where we are asking a question and continuously learning no matter the age, the education level or status will promote the students and children to want to the same starting from a young age with this mentality will encourage students to ask questions, to explore to share ideas etc. But if surrounded by people who are not open to that type of learning and growth, it would hinder them from growing and challenging ideas and asking questions. Afraid to ask a question, to be a part of the discussion stops ideas and thoughts from developing.

In terms of PLN online, the overwhelming different voices and opinions can hinder someone from participating as it can feel intimidating and scary. When you have never shared your thoughts or opinions online before, it can be scary; anything new is. Without the strong support of your PLN, it may scare someone from sharing. But having a strong PLN that backs you up makes you feel confident in your post. For example, when I make a post, I know my school peers and friends will support me by commenting, liking and sharing the post. This makes me feel confident as I know no matter what, I will have at least a few supporters.

What is the role of social media in education?

I think the role of social media in education is like a tutor and a spotlight. In a sense, Tutor is where students go for more information, for quick tips, for short explanations, for step by step breakdown. And spotlight because it gives a light space for people who hadn’t had the opportunity to share their voice anywhere. A light on their story when no one else wanted to hear. A light on the truth.

What are some problems with social media communications in education settings?

The problem with social media communication in an education setting is that wording is important. Dialogue is important. Listening to other voices is important. Showing respect is important. And that can be lost when someone is passionate and just want to get the information and the story out. Ensuring that you leave room for people to create a conversation and ask the question is hard on social media.


Miller, Jesse. “EDCI 338 – BRAD BAKER.” YouTube, uploaded by MILLER, 04 Mar. 2021,

Emerging Technologies in Distance Education, by George Veletsianos, AU Press, 2010, pp. 128–138.

Emerging Technologies in Distance Education, by George Veletsianos, AU Press, 2010, pp. 153–173.